Bar-O Boy's Ranch
Bar-O Boys School is a Del Norte County Office of Education program. Bar-O Boys School is a court school for boys who are wards of the court. The courts in various counties throughout the State assign boys to Bar-O. The camp and school program provides a very powerful experience in taking personal responsibility. The Del Norte County Office of Education provides the instructional staff to the school, which serves boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen (grades seven through twelve).
Bar-O was established in 1956. The ranch lies on 40 acres of land situated within the Six Rivers National Forest. Bar-O School is an integral part of Bar-O Boys’ Ranch which is a community resource for minors who need a non-secure confinement. The ranch provides a safe, protective environment, and promotes individual responsibility and accountability on the part of minors while encouraging professional excellence of the staff. The boys at the ranch are between the ages of 13-18. All of the boys are wards of the court, committed to Bar-O under Section 602 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. Wards are accepted from various California counties. Bar-O is a full-day program that operates throughout the year. Emphasis is placed on improving each student’s basic reading, writing, speaking, spelling and mathematics problem solving skills. In addition to regular academic classes, Bar-O offers classes in culinary arts, wood shop, forestry, photography, leather crafts, kayaking and screen printing